Canada Investor Visa

A Business person, Investor, Entrepreneur, or manager looking to immigrate to Canada may be able to fast-track the Canadian immigration process, through options set out by the Canadian federal and provincial governments. Save your energy by partnering with an expert team of management consultants and immigration consultants who will take care of the hard work so you don’t have to worry about your immigration to Canada as a businessman.

During the consultation, we review your background, education, and experience to assess and strategize the immigration option most suitable for you.

Introduction To Business Immigration For Entrepreneurs


Canada aims to attract individuals that are significantly able to contribute to the Canadian economy, through its Business Class immigration programs. These programs have the goal of promoting economic development and bettering the job market, through attracting investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed individuals from overseas with available venture capital, significant business acumen, and entrepreneurial skills.

By welcoming foreign nationals who are familiar with growing foreign markets and their unique requirements and customs, Business Class immigration also seeks to develop new commercial opportunities in Canada and to improve Canada’s access to markets overseas.

If this option sounds of interest to you, there are several possible pathways to choose from. Depending on where you plan to reside, you may choose to apply using one of the programs offered by a particular province, such as the Quebec business immigration programs, or by using the federal government. Get started exploring your options by starting a free assessment, and we will be pleased to discuss your Business Class immigration options with you.

Introduction To Quebec Investor Program


Qualified immigrant investors who intend to reside in Quebec may use the Quebec Investor category of Canadian immigration. By investing CAD$1,200,000 risk free through an approved financial intermediary or by financing that investment, immigrants are able to obtain a Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa.

 To be eligible for this program, you must:

  • Have net assets of at least CAN$2,000,000 obtained legally, alone or with an accompanying spouse (including de facto spouse). This excludes amounts received by donation less than six months before the date on which the application was filed.
  • Have management experience in a legal commercial, industrial or farming business, or in a professional legal business, in which the staff (not including the investor) occupy at least the equivalent of two full-time jobs, or for an international agency or a government or one of its departments or agencies;
  • Have at least two years management experience in the five years preceding the application for a selection certificate, with duties involving or related to the planning, management and control of financial resources and of human or material resources. This experience does not include experience gained in an apprenticeship, through training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
  • Intend to settle in Quebec, signing an agreement to invest CAN$1,200,000 with an authorised financial intermediary, who is able to take part in the investor program.

Your application will also be assessed on factors such as your age, the nature and duration of your professional training and your language skills.

Introduction To Federal Self-Employed Persons Program


To qualify for this program, you must demonstrate the ability to not only be successfully self-employed in Canada, but also make a significant contribution to your field. An applicant must demonstrate that they have relevant agricultural, artistic or athletic experience.

Introduction To : Quebec Self-Employed Category


This program of Canadian immigration was created to allow qualified individuals to obtain Canadian permanent residence, through successfully establishing themselves in the Province of Quebec, practicing a trade or profession for their own account.



As an Immigration Council of Canada Regulatory (ICCRC) licensed Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultancy, we provide you with professional advice for all your immigration and Citizenship Matters. Immigration and Citizenship law are complex and ever-changing, we keep up with the immigration law for you.